- Optimizing Urban Freight Deliveries: From Designing And Testing A Prototype System To Addressing Real Life Challenges Baudel, T., Dablanc, L., Aguiar Melgarejo, P., Ashton, J., Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 12, 2016, Pages 170–180, Tenth International Conference on City Logistics 17-19 June 2015, Tenerife, Spain. local version.
- Traffic Estimation and Prediction for Urban Road Networks, Application to GrandLyon Wynter, L., Trager, B., Yu, Y., Karianakis, Y., Jabari, S., Coldefy, J., Marquois, D. Baudel T. Proceedings of ITS World Congress Bordeaux.
- Incident Detection and Incident-Impacted Traffic Prediction for Urban Road Networks, Application to GrandLyon Wynter, L., Blandin, S., Trager, B., Yu, Y., Karianakis, Y., Coldefy, J., Marquois, D. Baudel T. Proceedings of ITS World Congress Bordeaux.
- The SmartDeliveries project in Lyon: optimizing professional urban mobility leveraging ITS Baudel, T., Aguiar Melgarejo, P., Laborie, P., Ashton, J., Depetris, A. Proceedings of ITS World Congress Bordeaux.
- SmartDeliveries - delivery rounds optimization in Lyon Video for InnovClimat, ADEME-sponsored public exhibition. French version.
- Challenges and Opportunities in HCI, Visual Analytics and Knowledge Management for the development of Sustainable Cities. EGC 2015, Luxembourg 15ème conférence internationale sur l'extraction et la gestion des connaissances. Invited talk.
- Transformation of a source model to a target model. Thomas Baudel Hugues Citeau Marcos Didonet Del Fabro, US Patent 8972327.
- User interface (UI) color scheme generation and management according to visual consistency of visual attributes in the color scheme. Olivier Artigue Thomas Baudel, US Patent 8930810.
- Contextual feedback of rules proximity based upon co-occurence history in a collaborative rule editing system. Baudel, T. Van Ham, F. US Patent 8805771.
- Rule correlation to rules input attributes according to disparate distribution analysis. Baudel, T. Van Ham, F. US Patent 8825588.
- GUI for goal programming and goal weighting in optimization based applications. Baudel, T. Moll, G.H., F. US Patent 8635550.
- Computer aided visualization of a business object model lifecycle. Baudel, T. Carre, N., F. US Patent 8826227.
- Method and system of adapting a data model to a user interface component. Baudel, T. Delhoumme, F. US Patent 8762426.
- Visual Analysis of Multi‐Dimensional Categorical Data Sets B Broeksema, AC Telea, T Baudel Computer Graphics Forum 32 (8), 158-169
- Decision exploration lab: A visual analytics solution for decision management B Broeksema, T Baudel, A Telea, P Crisafulli Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 19 (12), 1972-1981
- Multiway trie data structure that dynamically adjusts node sizes in a manner that reduces memory footprint and improves access speed. Baudel, T. US Patent 8762426.
- Optimisation du fret et des déplacements professionnels planifiés dans le projet Optimod’Lyon. Thomas BAUDEL IBM France Lab, Center for Advanced Studies, Penelope AGUIAR-MELGAREJO, IBM France Lab, Industry Solutions Christine SOLNON, INSA-Lyon, Laurent JACQUES, Renault Trucks, Jean COLDEFY, Grand Lyon. Revue de l'ATEC-ITS TEC 219. Sept 2013
- Prédiction du trafic et optimisation des déplacements professionnels planifiés: travaux d'IBM dans le projet Optimod.. Baudel, T., Wynter, L. and Codefy, J. Congrés ATEC-ITS. 2013.
- Capturing the Design Space of Sequential Space-Filling Layouts. Baudel, T & Broeksema, B, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume: 18 , Issue: 12 Page(s): 2593 - 2602.
- Global and reactive routing in urban context: first experiments / first difficulty assessment. Aguiar-Melgarejo, P. Baudel, T. & Solnon, C. in Optimization and Smart Cities Lisa Amini and Pascal Van Hentenryck Editors, CP 2012 Workshop.
- Obvious: A meta-toolkit to encapsulate information visualization toolkits - One toolkit to bind them all Fekete, J.-D. Hemery, P.-L. ; Baudel, T. ; Wood, J.. 2011 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), Page(s): 91 - 100
- A generic algorithm for sequential, rectangular, space filling layouts. Baudel, T. and Broeksema, B. Poster at 2011 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (Infovis2011).
- Des Maths... Partout!. Interactive Exhibit. I handled the computer-based demonstrations.
- HighC Draw your Music v2 music composition software. Version 2
- VisMaster Workshop on Visual Analytics Software Architecture, Fekete, J-D and, Thomas Baudel, ISC Paris, Dec. 4-6
- HighC Draw your Music v1 music composition software.
- Browsing through an Information visualization design space. . Scientific video.
- From information visualization to direct manipulation. Scientific video.
- From information visualization to direct manipulation: extending a generic visualization framework for the interactive editing of large datasets. Thomas Baudel, Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST 2006), Pages: 67 - 76.
- Concevoir des applications graphiques interactives distribuées avec INDIGO. R BLANCH, M BEAUDOUIN-LAFON, S CONVERSY, Y JESTIN, T BAUDEL, YP ZHAO. Revue d’Interaction Homme-Machine Vol 7 (2).
- INDIGO: une architecture pour la conception d'applications graphiques interactives distribuées. Renaud Blanch, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, StÈphane Conversy, Yannick Jestin, Thomas Baudel, Yun Peng Zhao. Proceedings of the 17th conference Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine IHM 2005. ACM Press.
- Canonical Representation of Data-Linear Visualization Algorithms and its Applications. Thomas Baudel. ILOG Technical report 05-003. 04/12/2005.
- Interactive generation of graphical visualizations of large data structures. US Patent no 6,928,436.
- Visual Data Mining with ILOG Discovery. Thomas Baudel, Bruno Haible and Georg Sanders. Proceedings of Graph Drawing 2003. Springer-Verlag.
- De la Visualisation à la manipulation directe d'information avec ILOG Discovery. Thomas Baudel, article court. IHM 04, 16éme Conférence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Namur, Belgique, 2004.
- Browsing through an information visualization design space. Demonstration. Thomas Baudel Proceedings of ACM CHI 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2004 v.2 p.765-766.
- Transactional Graphic Objects: An Open Approach for Web Based Distributed Graphic Objects and Interactions. Yunpeng Zhao & Thomas Baudel, Poster at the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference 20-24 May 2003, Budapest, HUNGARY.
- Editor of the IHM 2003 Conference Proceedings.
- The ILOG Discovery tool for information visualization.
- IHM 2002 conference co-chair.
- Visualisations compactes: une approche déclarative pour la visualisation d'information. Thomas Baudel. Proceedings of the 14th French-speaking conference on Human-computer interaction (Conférence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine), Poitiers, France. pp. 161 - 168. 2002 ISBN:1-58113-615-3.
- Canonical Representation of Data-Linear Visualizations and its Applications, Thomas Baudel, ILOG Technical report 02-002. 03/12/2002.
- Objets graphiques transactionnels: une méthode ouverte pour la création d'applications interactives distribuées synchrones Yunpeng Zhao, Thomas Baudel, Jie Zhou November 2002 Proceedings of the 14th French-speaking conference on Human-computer interaction (Conférence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine), Poitiers, France. 2002. ISBN:1-58113-615-3.
- InfoCrible: édition interactive de visualisations compactesThomas Baudel. November 2002 Proceedings of the 14th French-speaking conference on Human-computer interaction (Conférence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine). Poitiers, France. 2002. ISBN:1-58113-615-3.
- Drawing system using design guides. US Patent no 6,377,240.
- Co chair of the IHM 2002 Conference (and web site author).
- Compte-rendu des premières rencontres des sciences et technologies de l’information et de la conférence SIGCHI 2001, Seattle, 31 mars -5 avril. Thomas Baudel, L'interacteur, bulletin de l'AFIHM, été 2001.
- Contraintes et Modularité pour la construction interactive d'interfaces à manipulation directe.
Baudel, T. & Durocher; E. Actes de la conférence Ergo-IHM 2000, Biarritz. pp. 25-33. ISBN 2-9514772-0-1 [pdf][html] - What is a tool, what is a command ? unpublished texts on GUI toolkit design. (html)
- Nouvelles interfaces homme-machine: Peut-on vaincre l'inertie des standards établis ? Texte de la prise de position, portant sur les rapports entre marketing produit et IHM. Table ronde, Actes de la conférence IHM99, Cepadues, 1999. [pdf][html]
- The Hotbox : efficient access to a large number of menu-items
- Sorting out sorting:a Java implementation of Ron Baecker's seminal paper on algorithm visualization.
- Communication dans les boites à outils: compte rendu de l'atelier Boites à outils. [pdf][html]
Baudel T. &Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Actes de la conférence IHM98, Cepadues, pp. 107-122.
Texte de préparation des travaux de l'atelier: Outils et Méthodes de Construction d'Interfaces [pdf][html]
- Three dimensional input system using tilt. US Patent no 6,115,028
Rockin'Mouse : integral 3D manipulation on a plane
Ravin Balakrishnan, Thomas Baudel , Gordon Kurtenbach , George Fitzmaurice. Conference proceedings on Human factors in computing systems March 1997 [pdf] -
design of a GUI paradigm based on tablets, two-hands, and transparency
Gordon Kurtenbach , George Fitzmaurice, Thomas Baudel , Bill Buxton. Conference proceedings on Human factors in computing systems March 1997 [pdf]
- Clickaround tool-based graphical interface with two cursors US Patent no 5,666,499
- Interaction Gestuelle : Définitions, État de l'art et Perspectives d'Industrialisation (Chapitre de Livre)
Baudel, Thomas, in Nouvelles Interfaces Homme-Machine, Jean Caelen Eds., Observatoire Francais des Techniques Avancées, Collection ARAGO, 12, 1995. [pdf] - Morphologie de l'Interaction Humain-Ordinateur : Étude de Modèles d'Interaction Gestuelle (Th´egrave;se)
Baudel, Thomas, Universit&e Paris-Sud, Orsay, no d'ordre 3986, 1995.[html] - A taxonomy of See-Through Tools (republication, reference book)
- Réalité Augmentée: pour une définition et une nouvelle définition du domaine. unpublished text, cited by les Chroniques du Web, les cahiers du cinema, May 2001. [html]
- A Mark-Based Interaction Paradigm for Free-Hand Drawing (Conférence)
Baudel, Thomas, ACM-SIGGRAPH & SIGCHI, Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 1994. [ps.gz] - A Taxonomy of See-Through Tools
Bier, Eric, Stone, Maureen, Fishkin, Ken, Buxton, William and Baudel, Thomas, ACM, Conference proceedings on Human factors in computing systems : “celebrating interdependence”, CHI94 , p. 358-364, 1994 [pdf] - A Taxonomy of See-Through tools (Video)
Conference proceedings on Human factors in computing systems : “celebrating interdependence” CHI94, April 1994.
- Interaction Gestuelle pour l'édition de courbes splines (Conférence)
Baudel, Thomas, IHM'94, 1994. [ps.gz]
CHARADE: Remote Control of Objects using Free-Hand Gestures (Article)
Baudel, Thomas and Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, in Communications of the ACM, vol. 36, no. 7, p. 28-35, July, 1993 [ps.gz]
This is an extended version of the paper published in CACM - Reconnaissance de gestes de la main en environnement réel (Conférence)
Baudel, Thomas and Annelies Braffort, EC2, L'interface des mondes réels et virtuels, 1993. [pdf] - Systèmes d'analyse des interactions Homme-Ordinateur (Rapport)
Baudel, Thomas, Yacine Bellik, Jean Caelen, Chatty, Stéphane, Joëlle Coutaz, Francis Jambon, Solange Karsenty and Daniel Teil, IHM'93, 1993 - "Bridges between worlds" compte rendu de la confèrence INTERCHI'93 (Article)
Baudel, Thomas, in Technique et Science Informatique, vol. 12, no. 3, p. 375-378, 1993
- An Interaction Model Designed for Hand gesture Input
Baudel, Thomas, Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Annelies Braffort and Daniel Teil, no. 772, LRI, Université de Paris-Sud, 1992 - Compte-rendu de l'atelier Multimodalité: Interfaces Multimodales et Architectures Logicielles
Joëlle Coutaz, Nadine Vigouroux, Baudel, Thomas, Noëlle Carbonnel, Jean-Claude Martin, F. Azemard, Y. Bellik, M-L. Bourguet, L. Nigay, K. Ouadou, P. Palanque and D. Teil, IHM'93, 1992 - Computer-Aided Presentation using free-hand gestures (Video 3mn)
Baudel, Thomas, Guy Chastagnier and Annelies Braffort, Document vidéo LIMSI k92-04, 1992 - Hypermarks: Issuing Commands by Drawing Marks in Hypercard (Conférence)
Gordon Kurtenbach and Baudel, Thomas, vol. Adjunct Proceedings, ACM, Proc. ACM SIGCHI, p. 64, 1992 - Utilisation des gestes de la main pour l'interaction homme-machine (Conférence)
Annelies Braffort Baudel, Thomas and Daniel Teil, ENST, IHM'92, p. 193-196, 1992 - Reconnaissance de la parole en milieu bruité. Rapport LIMSI/Sextant Avionique/DGAC.
- Spécificités de l'interaction gestuelle dans un environnement multimodal (Conférence)
Baudel, Thomas, IHM'91, p. 11-16, 1991 - The X Television -- C++ Library for Direct Manipulation Interfaces (Rapport)
Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Berteaud, Yves, Chatty, Stéphane, Fekete, Jean-Daniel and Baudel, Thomas, February, 1991
Annotations: This article presents Xtv (the X Television), designed for the development of direct manipulation applications with X. Xtv implements a structured drawing model inspired by the world of television. The article presents this library in the context of the development of graphical applications with X, and especially as an extension to the XToolkit, which is now the basis of most developments with X. Xtv is implemented as a library of C++ classes.
Notes: version 2.0
- Analyse de langages gestuels (Masters (DEA))
Baudel, Thomas, LRI, Université de Paris-Sud, 1990
1988: Edition graphique des langages de Grif, 1988, rapport de stage de Magistere MFAI, ENS, GIP Altair